This has been 10 years in the making. From the first day I saw a 3D printed part, I knew the potential it had to change the face of the manufacturing world. A (dare I say it) new industrial revolution, that levels the playing field. It makes that idea, or gadget that you have, possible.
In the last ten years the technology has gone from exclusive expensive machine with a limited material choices and design limitations, to a wide variety of machine choices and materials for industrial printers capable of metal parts to inexpensive desktop printers marked to be as common as our faithful inkjet printers.
This 3D printer is a start, a seed planted, the water is this website.
The Plan:
To offer a custom and dynamic service for all those tinkers, hobbyist small businesses that have a design problem, but don't have the knowledge or skills to bring your ideas to life and don't want to empty your bank account for expenses design companies. This service is as dynamic as you and your ideas.
What Sets this Service Apart?
3D printing is a powerful tool that I will use to make this service a fast, cheap and high quality experience for you. These are your ideas and coupled that with me and you have years of engineering working experience in industry that can guide your idea to a prototype or a final working product.
Take a look at my info page for more info on me and what services I will be offering.
For now, we are not open for business.
By following this blog you will see the potential and see how you can benefit from this unique experience. I hope to be up and running in a couple of months.
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