Sunday, February 5, 2017


Well it has been a long time coming and I have been eyeing a new 3D printer for a while now. Since the overwhelming success of the 3Dcustomprints could only net me a MCDs coffee and muffin, I had to seek investors. Microsoft passed (surprisingly). I passed on a offer from HP, since they wanted creative control. Finally I found a silent partner that saw the potential and tricked them... I mean.... talked them into investing. Welcome Flashforge Creator Pro to the 3DCP family. It has not disappointed, out of the box and already printing away. I finished testing and it passed with flying colors. This new addition will increase reliability and build size.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

3D printing takes flight!

A great example of an idea, to design, to finished product. A quad copter made from printed parts from yours truly.
(Just to be clear, this is not my build or design, I was commissioned to print parts by Stéphane)

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Still here and better than ever!

   It has been a while since my last post, (picture me slapping my hand as a acceptable form of punishment). Since my last post, I have been overloaded with offers to direct the next big movie blockbuster. I unfortunately had to turn them all down since they refused to have a round the clock supply of Diet Coke and McDonald's coffee available to me. Oh well, I'm sure oppurtunities like this will come again.
   Now to business (well actually this is less business and more pleasure), I made some more upgrades to my machine. The addition of a heated bed has now opened up to world of diverse materials. ABS being one of the most common ones that I have not been able to use until now, is proving to be quite superior to PLA for practical applications. Much tougher and heat resistant. I also tweaked my filament feed (with the help of a fellow 3Der) to try to reduce pull as the filament loses slack. It is better, but all signs point to a possible mod to go to a Ultimaker style Filament feed.
   As for this blog, I will be shifting more towards an information based blog than trying to sell my services. I will have actual themed post and try to filter out all the static that is found in the 3D printing world. It is funny that why, in a technology that is highly engineering (mechanical, computer and chemical), there a lot of wives tales and myths that people seems to hold true. The goal here for me is less to inform and more to inform myself, usually when trying to teach you learn more that way.
   Take a look at some photos of the 3D printing formally knows has Solidoodle 2.
 Roller skate for a Filament roll!
 How to squeeze a 8X8 heated bed into a machine with a 6X6 non heated bed....Macgyver.
You will notice a badly cut piece of glass, hey gotta use whats around you!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Martin Scorsese, I am not.

This is my first and definitely not my last attempt at a time lapse video. It is not the best quality but, you get a good idea of how these printers work, layer by layer!!! 

Please comment and share!!! 
Leave me suggestion on what you guys want to see printed.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Why? Why not!

I was looking for a set of lunch utensils the other day and as usual I am to cheap to buy anything. The rest is history.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Disney please don't sue me!!!

I am experimenting with coloring and it is amazing what you can do with dollar store makers and some liquid paper lol. Maybe I should invest in some modeling paint?

Upgrades a plenty

Who says subcontracting is a bad thing? You just need to hire the right people. I was too busy lately to get some work done on my printer that I have been meaning to do, so i called up a crew to help me out. These guys were fast, efficient and I couldn't ask for better. Oh plus they worked for free.